Monday, March 18, 2013

37 weeks! Full term!

Hello Baby 'Lex!

I love the nickname Lex! I hope you like it too! Your dad likes Alex the best. You can decide which one you prefer. I'm betting you'll like mine better. ;-)

Congrats baby girl! We are 37 weeks! This means that we are full term! You can come at any moment. The anticipation is killing me. We can't wait to hold you. You are now a 6 pounder and measure about 19 inches as big as a stalk of Swiss chard!

At the same time, I am a little sad that our pregnancy time is coming to an end. This has been a special time with you that we will never have again. It's wonderful knowing that you are safe inside me. I can protect you from the world. I love how we are one and so connected. When I feel you move, it's something that only I can feel. It's our special moment together just me and you. I know that when you come, we will still have our special moments together just a little different than it is now.

More updates this week-No old fashion maple donut yet. Will keep you posted. With the warmer weather, bbq has smelled pretty good lately.

Exercise has been minimal because of the lack of sleep. I do walk in the morning a little with Cash. Its cooler in the morning. It's not as much as I'd like. I plan to walk more with a friend from yoga soon. They have a saying in yoga that if you walk 5 miles a day, you will come sliding out! Because its so nice outside, I hope to swim soon. My prego friend don't want to go because they have stretch marks. I have to brag that we don't have any! ;-)

I have had braxton hicks occasionally but not often. When I get those, I focus and practice my hypnosis. It helps me not to fight against my body. I know that these are strengthening and preparing us for birth.
Nursey update-The nursey is coming together and almost done! Here's a sneek peek.

I finally hung up your letters! They turned out soo cute! Your auntie, Al, Miranda, and Jess helped me do them when they were here. I couldn't have finished them on my own. They did a great job helping me. It was fun to do a craft just for you! I wanted to make you something special in your room. So I painted these two flowers to match your set. They took me forever but its finally finished!

We had a great midwife appointment today. I have gained some healthy weight and you are measuring an extra two inches than last week. It always makes me happy and relieved to hear. I still feel that you aren't ready and need more time to grow. I will be happy with whenever you are ready to come.

Keep growing in there as long as you need sweet baby!

Love you,


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