Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Happy due date! 40 weeks!

Happy due date Little One! Today is special! Today you are due -April 8 th! This is the day I have been looking forward to for 9 months because I will see you soon!

I have been taking it easy this week. I have been trying to get a good nights sleep before you come. Our midwife says is important to keep my energy up for birth. And I am trying to have some fun too. We went to the pool again and it felt great to get some vitamin d. Mostly this week, I have been cleaning, cooking freezer meals, reading la leche, and shopping for your nursery. I feel like we have the greatest house guest coming! I need to have the whole house in sparkling and make it more homey for your arrival.

The nursey is still not done yet. I was hoping to finish it. It's mostly missing just the wall art. I know that being mentally and physically ready is more important than how a room looks. I can see how women get wrapped up in decorating instead of focusing on whats important-educating themselves about birth and breast feeding. I feel that this time is good to learn as much as I can how to be a good mom and take care of you. I'm sure that I will learn a lot along the way. I think it's good to take advantage of the quiet time I have now to read and learn.

No sign of you yet. I haven't felt any Braxton hicks. I've had a little cramping while walking. Its hard to tell between a muscle cramp. I haven't made it to my five miles a day. But since I'm not at work, I've been moving around more. And so have you (when you aren't sleeping)! I think you're running out of room in there! You keep rolling and stretching like you're trying to get comfortable and i'm trying not to get nervous about Labor and gbs. your dad is calm and collected like always. i am so thankful for that. he reminds me that God will take care of us and its not a big deal. i need to keep focused on The Lord. A verse that has spoken to me- " i sought the lord and he answered me and delivered my from all my fears." I don't fear anymore about myself or labor. I fear more for your health. I know that I have done all,that I can to be healthy and the rest is in God"s hands. i try to stay positive and practice my hypnosis (deep relaxation techniques). i keep visualizing a great birth in the water in candle light and the joy of having you in my arms! it makes me tear up every time! i don't think you can stretch out in there like you're used to. We keep joking- that you'll come just because you're getting too squished in there!

Everyone keeps asking me if I'm miserable. they say that they were miserable in the last two weeks of their pregnancy. I feel great! I don't know if its because I've stayed at a healthily weight and been active. Or if its because, I have had an easy pregnancy. Don't get me wrong. The symptoms do get old -the backaches, heartburn, lack of sleep, knees hurting, and hot flashes. They aren't that bad. I have realized that a lot of things in pregnancy and labor are exaggerated. I think alot is what you make of it. hitting 9 months, it did get a little harder. but i wouldn't say miserable. Sometimes I forget that i am even pregnant until I feel you move. When I do, it makes me smile every time! It is so awesome to even see and feel it on the outside!

Since I'm passed my due date, People ask me when I will be induced. Most first time moms are late. So it is normal and I fully expected To be. It is strange that only days after the due date people jump to high risk drugs like pitocin as the first option without trying natural remedies. I hope we don't have to make that tough decision at all. we still have time before that. it seems the majority of doctors are quick to induce and tamper with the birthing process instead of trying natural options. I wish that doctors are more open and honest about the side effects of the drugs that they use. As a parent, It's help me realize that I need to ask the doctor about procedures, drugs, and their belief systems before proceeding on any treatment. I need to understand risks and the big picture before they do anything on you. It's been a good lesson I've learned about parenting in pregnancy. I've always jumped to doctors and drugs at the littlest of colds without question. And I wonder why I have such a bad immunity system. Lol! I have changed for the better. I want to be different for you and raise you differently than that. I hope that this will inspire you to make informed decision for you and your babies.

i'm trying not to get nervous about Labor and gbs. your dad is calm and collected like always. i am so thankful for that. he reminds me that God will take care of us and its not a big deal. i need to keep focused on The Lord. A verse that has spoken to me- " i sought the lord and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears." I don't fear anymore about labor. I fear more for your health. I know that I have done all that I can to be healthy and the rest is in God"s hands. i try to stay positive and practice my hypnosis (deep relaxation techniques). i keep visualizing a great birth in the water in candle light and the joy of having you in my arms! it makes me tear up every time!

I know that you will have a beautiful birth story. I can't wait to share with you about your amazing birth. Your grandpa loves to tell my dramatic birth story. I was born with a c section and a serious inflection that could have been life threatening without treatment. After Hearing my scary birth story, it motivated me to find the best for your birth and health. i wanted you to be born the best, healthiest way possible. so that, you can have a great start in life. I started doing research on c sections. i found that it increases risks of serious conditions and overall more complications for the baby ( and mom too). I decided that I didn't want you to be born that way and start looking for ways to minimize the chances of c section. I am thankful it is there in case of fetal distress, like my birth. In my research, I found that drugs used in labor increases fetal distress and the chances of c section (if they even work). So I didn't want that for you. I am not anti drug. Medicine and drugs are for the sick. being pregnant is natural by Gods design. we are created wonderfully for birthing. its not a sickness that needs treatment, unless distress.

I can't tell you how many hours of research and birth stories I've heard to help me along that way. I decided to go natural which is very strange in culture today. Its hard to find support. I really cherish the women who have and check up on me. Your dad has been the biggest form of support and believes we do this naturally. I am so thankful to have him in my life. He is my rock (after The Lord of course). I know that you'll love him as much as I do. I hope you take after him in many ways.

My appetite has really sky rocked lately. it makes me think that youre trying to get gain more weight before coming and that you need another week to develop. I've had weird cravings for greasy tots and still the maple donut which I'm saving. :-) I think you're dad is enjoying the junk food I've been craving for a change. I cook pretty healthy. So it's kinda a treat for him. We had a great date at Oscars and of course we got dessert. He loves the carrot cake there. We got it free from the waiter as a pre birthday present to you! It was a special night. Me and ur dad had such a wonderful fun date. He made me laugh the whole time. I will remember it for a long time.

Got to go. Love u!

Your Mom

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