Monday, June 10, 2013

2 months!

Hey my little one!

Happy two months! You are so cute in all your little dresses! Having a girl is so fun! We like to play dress up already! Here's how our second month went-

Highlights-you fit into 3 month clothes! You are getting to big too fast! I had to put most of your infant clothes away. Your grammie gave you your first book called I kissed the baby! It's a sweet book with contrasting colors. You love to look at the pictures.

Favorite moments -I have a lot with you! You are smiling more often and bigger these days which is very exciting! You are making a kinds of noises now like Ahs and little Coos. they are all so cute and girly. You have these moments where you make a bunch of noises. You look at us like you're talking to us! Sometimes you'll even make noises responding to us. I love when you strech out your arms like you want a hug. It's so cute. Every time you do it I say- "hugies!"

Nursing- we are getting better and better each day! We quite pro at it actually! We are trying all kinds of new positions. Im even eating dinner when youre nursing! Theres been a few road blocks weve overcome this month- A few times you were choking, so I am nursing laying down or reclining. It seems to help. 

Father's Day- it was so special! This was your dads first fathers day! i could tell that he was happy to hear people congratulate him and wishing happy fathers day. he had a big smile on his face. Your daddy got to be with you all day! We gave him a homemade card with your picture on it. He was touched by it. I think I saw a little tear- not sure though. It's not like your dad to tear up. It was very special day since last year we were trying for you and you weren't here yet. I wanted you so bad and to wish your dad a happy Father's Day last June. But you decided to come later and it was well worth the wait!

Development- You are getting more and more eye lashes and eye brows. Everyone keeps telling me how you look like you're dad! You are getting strong. Now, You're lifting your head up high and pushing off with your legs! You can lift your whole body with the strength you have in your legs! So far you seem to love your tommy time! I'm told this helps you develop your muscles. Here in this pic you found your thumb again for the second time in your life!

Your stats-

Height 23 inches (75%)
Weight 10 lbs 4oz (48%)
Head 39 cm (65%)

Leap- During these weeks, Alex will make the second leap in her mental development, known as the 'world of patterns'. After having made this leap, Alex doesn't experience the world as a bowl of soup anymore, where everything is blended together. She begins to differentiate regular patterns. For example: she discovers her hands. She looks surprised and turns them around. Many of Alex 's automatic reflexes disappear, and she begins to do things purposefully. All the movements Alex makes will still look very stiff to the outside world, as if he was a puppet on a string.

Challenges- it's hard keeping the house clean. But I try to remember that there will always be house work. But you won't always be here. Eventually you'll grow up and I won't be able to get to hold you everyday like I can now. That's such a sad thought to me. I cherish every moment we have together. You'll never be this small again! Not a lot besides that, you do have cradle cap that were trying to get rid off. 

Sleep- what sleep? Jk, you are sleeping more and more at night. Mostly it's every three hours you wake to eat. On good nights, you'll wake once or twice to eat. Many times, we both fall asleep nursing. I think we sleep better when youre next to me after nursing.

What ive learned as a mom- Being a mom is a lot of trial and error. Just as soon as we find a solution, any other situation comes up. You just have to experiment until things work and not all advice will work for you and your baby. Your always in a continual state of learning and growing into a mom. Just as Solomon asked for wisdom, I ask God to give me wisdom on how to raise and take care of you the best I can. 

Every day I pray for you, your development, and your future. I am so privileged to be your mom. I love you so much. 

Always yours, 

Your mom

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