Sunday, March 31, 2013

38 weeks in counting!

Hi sweet little one!

We are officially 38 weeks! This been quite a different week for us! We had our last day of work! It was hard and weird to leave. but it felt good. I felt pretty ready to be done especially with the lack of sleep and stressful client situations. Its a little scary to leave the security of that job. i know its the right thing to do. i guess its hard to leave the known and controlled for the unknown, motherhood! Your dad is fully supportive of this huge change which helps a ton. a lot of my clients wished us good luck and wanted to bring a present for you! my coworkers want to see a picture of you after you're born! They are happy for us and have been saying that ill be a good mom! I know that I will make plenty of mistakes along the way. But with God as my guide, I know that hell help me the best mom that I can be, even though imperfect. In my devos, I've been reading about king Solomon. He prays to God for wisdom to rule his kingdom in a godly way. He felt that he was just a child and didn't know how he can rule a kingdom. God is pleased with his request and grants him unmatched wisdom. i pray the same that i can be a godly parent to you even though I don't know how. I pray that He ll give me the wisdom I need to be a good mom and show you that God has a wonderful plan for you! I will do my best and God will take care of the rest! ( I made that up myself!).

This week your Grammy and I have been cleaning non stop! The house looks amazing! We have cleared out lots of dust like years of dust. It has really gotten to my allergies. It's fun chatting along the way. I share a lot With her what I've learn and hearing advice from her. She doesnt remember a lot from pregnancy. That is one reason i blog for you. its great to have more time with my mom. It's been a really busy couple of years finishing college, getting married, and getting licensed for my new job. I feel bad that I haven't made time for her as much. But I look forward to the time that I will have with her helping me take care of you.

It's week was quite a social one! I had a few events to go to which made leaving work go to the back of my mind. i kept busy a few nights this week with breast feeding class, yoga, and mops. I had a friend give great advice to learn more about nursing beforehand. I really appreciate the advice. I'm glad i Am. I arranged a breast feeding class at my house. It was sooo good and very informative. I always thought that nursing is instinctual and came naturally. I'm realizing that its a learnt skill. It's something that needs to be practiced and takes a while to get down (so I hear). I pray that I'll come easy for us. I know we have tons if support and help if needed. I really look forward to that special bonding time that well have together. It's great to see that science is catching up to God's creation. Science is proving the many benefits of breast milk these days. It's fascinating to hear how wonderfully God has made us. A friend from that class also went with me to our moms group at church. It was exciting because I don't know if she's a believer. Her name is Shelley and her baby girl is due a day after you! It's been fun and supportive to share in our pregnancies together. I hope that shell continue to go and get plugged in.

It was Easter Sunday too this week. It was special to think that Our Savior died for me and you even though you aren't born yet. He sees you in the womb and is wonderfully crafting you to the special person you'll soon be! We had a good day. After church, We went out to kayenta and eat breakfast brunch outside. It was a beautiful warm day. I love the view out there. It's nice looking at the canyon and remembering its God's majestic creation.

I love you so much! It's very exciting and I'm a little nervous that you coming soon! I've come to the point that it doesn't matter how labor goes. It only matters that you are healthy and safe in my arms! I can't wait!

Love you forever,


Monday, March 18, 2013

37 weeks! Full term!

Hello Baby 'Lex!

I love the nickname Lex! I hope you like it too! Your dad likes Alex the best. You can decide which one you prefer. I'm betting you'll like mine better. ;-)

Congrats baby girl! We are 37 weeks! This means that we are full term! You can come at any moment. The anticipation is killing me. We can't wait to hold you. You are now a 6 pounder and measure about 19 inches as big as a stalk of Swiss chard!

At the same time, I am a little sad that our pregnancy time is coming to an end. This has been a special time with you that we will never have again. It's wonderful knowing that you are safe inside me. I can protect you from the world. I love how we are one and so connected. When I feel you move, it's something that only I can feel. It's our special moment together just me and you. I know that when you come, we will still have our special moments together just a little different than it is now.

More updates this week-No old fashion maple donut yet. Will keep you posted. With the warmer weather, bbq has smelled pretty good lately.

Exercise has been minimal because of the lack of sleep. I do walk in the morning a little with Cash. Its cooler in the morning. It's not as much as I'd like. I plan to walk more with a friend from yoga soon. They have a saying in yoga that if you walk 5 miles a day, you will come sliding out! Because its so nice outside, I hope to swim soon. My prego friend don't want to go because they have stretch marks. I have to brag that we don't have any! ;-)

I have had braxton hicks occasionally but not often. When I get those, I focus and practice my hypnosis. It helps me not to fight against my body. I know that these are strengthening and preparing us for birth.
Nursey update-The nursey is coming together and almost done! Here's a sneek peek.

I finally hung up your letters! They turned out soo cute! Your auntie, Al, Miranda, and Jess helped me do them when they were here. I couldn't have finished them on my own. They did a great job helping me. It was fun to do a craft just for you! I wanted to make you something special in your room. So I painted these two flowers to match your set. They took me forever but its finally finished!

We had a great midwife appointment today. I have gained some healthy weight and you are measuring an extra two inches than last week. It always makes me happy and relieved to hear. I still feel that you aren't ready and need more time to grow. I will be happy with whenever you are ready to come.

Keep growing in there as long as you need sweet baby!

Love you,


Saturday, March 16, 2013

36 weeks!

Hi Sweet Baby Girl!

Happy 36 weeks! This means that we are officially 9 months! You are getting big. You are 5 lbs and 18 inches! It feels like it. I can feel you more than ever which makes me happy. I feel you at my side often. I like to feel you and guess if its your butt or back there. Its a great feeling to wake you with you moving inside me. I always tell your dad-"Baby is up!" Baby is moving!" He smiles every time. ;-)

This week has slowed down some thankfully. I have put in my last day of work which will be in two weeks. I am nervous quiting my job. I have faith that God will provide. Me and your dad have been carefully budgeting for years. But I know that it will all be worth it for you. I don't want to miss out on your little life! I get excited to tell clients at work that I will be a full time mommy!

We have been preparing more than ever for your arrival. Your dad has been busy assembling your crib, stroller, and helping me get the house ready for you! The nursey is coming together. It's a room you can grow into. There are only a few items left to get.

Your grandmas love you so much. Its touching to see how they have been very supportive and involved come over to discuss the birth plan. They are on board to help create a calm, peaceful birth.

Sleep has been hard to come by these days. This is normal. I know that its preparing me for the nights up with you. On those days, I do extra hypnosis (deep relaxation) and then I feel recharged to finish the rest of the day. Sometimes, I worry if you are developing ok with the lack of sleep and appetite. Our midwife says that's its ok and to focus on eating lots of protein.

We have been getting a lot of special gifts and hand me downs from our Church family! Everyone at Church keeps touching my belly. They are excited to meet you and welcome into this world! ;-)

My cravings this week has been for a maple old fashion donut. Your dad laughs every time I mention it. As you'll find out, I'm a health freak. So this craving is really strange for me. I haven't had it yet. Thats the only sweet thing that sounds remotely good. So I have been eating high protein smoothies and wraps.

I love you very much baby girl! I can't wait to kiss your sweet checks! Your count down has already started!

Love you always,
