Thursday, October 10, 2013

Happy 6 months!

Dear sweet Alex,

Wow, it's hard to believe half of your first year is over!!! You are now no longer a little infant. You're a big baby now. It's been so fun to have you as my little buddy! We are always together. I love taking you out and showing you off. I like to think you're my little acessory. But as my friend so kindly put it, you are her accessory! It's true. I don't mind. :-)

Highlights- first time for for many liquid foods- carrots, sweet potatoes, oat cereal and corn!! The doctor recommended trying yellow- orange vegetables first, then green and then fruits ( nothing citrus though). We tried carrots first!! You didn't like them much. I think it reminded you of your vitamins. So I mixed it with rice cereal. So it's not so pungent. You like it so much that you'll reach and grab the spatula. Like this. 


The food I make keeps for three days. I try to give you one food at a time to expose any food allergy if you have one. So far, you don't! Thank God!! You have been such a great eater. If like to think it's the specials way I make your food, such as adding warm water and a little liquid food to your cereal. But it's just because you're a great baby! I was worried it mess with nursing but thankfully it hasn't. Usually I try to feed you after nursing. But often times you will nurse right after eating. After nursing, I fed you the cereal so it doesn't hurt my supply. So far  it's working great. I feel more comfortable with food now. I see signs that you want and needs them. For instance, you act hungry after nursing and you wake up more at nights very restless without them. Often times you wouldn't want to nurse late at night. Adding liquid solids has helped you sleep better and feel more satisfied. 


There are many other highlights this month. You're really blooming into your own person! I see you're becoming your own unique personality and less of an infant. You are laughing, playing and interacting with us more & more. We love it. I can really see you bonding with daddy and grandmas. I love to see your cute faces when you see something new. You are really showing emotions between your likes and dislikes. You re starting to squel when you don't like something and you get really excited with a panting noise when you do like it!


Favorite moments- a few this month are funny moments. The first time I put this sweater with the little bear ears on you, cash though you were a little bear! He did a double take and started barking at you. I had to take the hood off and convince him it was you! It was so funny.

Another one funny moment was when we were at grammies house. She was making dinner for us. We were sitting and having some appetizers. You were sitting in daddy's lap. All of a sudden, your head dips down. Daddy caught it and realized your eyes were closed. You Fell asleep in dad's arms face down! You must have been all tuckered out. Waiting for dinner at my Grammies is exhausting! 


Nursing-It's only taking you five to ten minutes per side now!  It's pretty nuts to think back to when it was taking 1-2 hours. I think it's because you're more awake now and a skilled eater. Often times, youll to sneak your thumb in there while nursing! Sometimes you hum a little while nursing. It's the cutest tune. It's ahhhahahh for lack of better words. You usually favor the right side and then we go to the left. Does this mean you'll be right handed? (Jk).:-)


Things you love- you are starting to love toys! you love your tooth brush!!! You love your car keys. I got out your bath toys and you love chewing on them! I think the rubber feels good on your teeth. You love touching peoples faces, noses, and especially daddy's beard! You sneeze pretty hard on people's noses. You are getting really grab-y. You'll try to grab anything insight. Many times at the dinner table you'll suddenly dive for my dinner plate. You're even strong enough to move it towards you!

Harvest festival-it was fun!! It was Halloween night at the church. And we found you a cute mouse costume! I think it's definitely your colors! I picked this custome because it looked warm! It ended up being a warm night. So we didn't need the warmth. It still made a cute costume. Your grandmas loved it! They held you while you were looking around at all the kids and colorful costumes. 


Sleep- you are starting to have your own sleep routine. You get up at 8 am and we nurse at 8-9 pm for bed. You're also sleeping in your own room!! Me and your dad are loving having our room back. It makes our alone time something I cherish more. Your Naps are still all over the place. I'm hoping that once we introduce liquid cereal at lunch, you might nap more consistently! 

Vaccination- it went good for shots! I was a little more prepared this time. I fed you a lot before the appointment. I have you take a bath and tynelyol beforehand. We were able to re-dress you, hold you during the shots and nurse afterwards. It worked very nicely. Usually you fall asleep during the car ride home. You didn't this time. 


Development- ohh teeth!! You have two teeth! They came in at the same time. It's pretty early to have teeth. Many people thought I was crazy thinking you were teething last month. But here they are! Other developments are that you are sitting up now completely on your own! You still fall over every once in a while. You can stand out! Most days I'll hold you and let your feet hang. You'll take a few steps even! you are really developing into your own person now. It's so fun to see your unique personality. You're grabbing two different toys with each hand. Sometimes you'll get so excited playing that you accidentally hit yourself in the face! Ouch! 

Here's you stats- 

Height 27 3/4 in (97%)
Weight 14 lbs 2 oz (20%)
Head 43 3/4 in/cm (80%)

Look at that little cutie!


Leap- it looks like you're in between leaps. But here's what is says what happens in the middle of them. Alex doesn't make the sixth leap in her mental development just yet. The sixth leap, known as the 'world of categories', will start after about thirty-three and a half weeks after the due date and can last up to four weeks. In about 43 day(s) you might start to see the signs of this sixth leap. She is now trying to master the skills belonging to the last leap she made, the leap of relationships. You will also see Alex mastering skills she was mentally able to learn in previous leaps, but didn't physically show yet. The results of what your baby can do after taking the previous leap are very noticeable. You'll start to see a whole different human being. ( I have for sure). Please read last month to give you detailed information about the previous leap Alex is trying to master right now. Examples of what Alex 's skills and interests might be after going through the previous leap:
  • She is interested in people who "act differently" as compared to 'normal'
  • Has an immense interest in details such as zippers, labels or stickers
  • Lifts things up to see if anything is below
  • Tries to untie laces
  • Throws something to see the content
  • Puts food in the mouth of others
  • Makes connections between words and deeds
  • Blows air
  • Protests as dad or mom walk away
  • Imitates sounds with her tongue
  • She is standing up with a little help or pulls herself to an upward position.
Challenges-it's been a pretty smooth month. I can't complain. I feel more rested now that we're sleeping through the night. The only thing I've find difficult is trying to keep healthy. We've been fighting a cold in our family. Thankfully you haven't gotten it yet. I am praying that you don't. You just got better from your last cold. I really don't want you to have antiboditics again this year. I realize that I need to take care of myself to take care of you!

What I've learned as a mom- I haven't had one lesson stand out this month. I've been thinking of a few things since you've been born and becoming a parent in general. As a parent, I think it's hard not feel like a failure if things don't go smoothly like scheduled nap, eating good, etc. I have to remember that your development doesn't define me. My success as a parent doesn't give me my self worth or identity. My identity comes from God. You and I are daughters of the king of kings and creator of the universe. Our self worth comes from God. He sees us as something so valuable and worth dieing for (romans 5:8). He sees us in His image. (Gen 1:27). I don't want to become a parent that relies on their child's success to give them a sense of self worth or achievement. I hope I don't pressure you to perform or compare you to other children. I hope I will encourage and inspire you to follow Gods plan for your life. I know that's what's best for you. I can't wait to see what it is!:-)

Love you baby girl, 

Aka: Ah-Ma 
( what you're calling me now)



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