Sunday, April 28, 2013

1 month


Hello sunshine!

Today you are one months old! I don't know where the Time has gone, most nursing I'm guessing. It has been on of the most challenging month I've had but also the most exciting. Here's what happened this month. 

Highlights- this month, we had alot of first: first bath, first walk, first outing and first time meeting your extended family. At 10 days, we had your newborn pictures done. The pics turned out great. You are so photogenic already and cute. Everyone keeps telling me how beautiful you are! You have long thick hair, long fingernails, and deep baby blue eyes. You have my eyes and lips. You have your daddy's nose and eye color. I think you look at your daddy so far. :-)

Favorite moments with you- all our moments together are my favorite but especially these ones. I love when you smile, mostly after nursing. You don't smile much yet. When you do, It lights up my day and melts away the sleepless nights. This is your  dads favorite momment with you too. after nursing, i love our tommy to tommy time together, burping you. You sometimes fall asleep in my arms. I reminds me of the first time i held you and how wonderful it felt. Every time we have those moments I thank God for you, my sweet baby. 

Daddy time- he just knows how to soothe you like no one else. You can be in a full out cry and you stop when he starts to play with you. he really likes to play with you already. It's so fun to watch. He makes funny faces and all kinds of noises while he holds you. You give him curious looks back that make him laugh. He smiles really big when he plays with you. I love to watch you two together. 

Your Development- You are 8 pounds 10 oz and 21 inches! you measuring in the top 90% percentile for your height. it means that you will be a tall girl. The measurement of your head was 60% and your weight was 40%. The pediatrician made a joke that you'll be tall slender and have a lot of brains! Whatever you turn out to be, I know you'll be perfect the way you are.

Your stats-

Two weeks-

Height 21 inches (75%)
Weight 7'14 oz (45%)
Head 37 1/2 in/cm (60%)

One month-
Height 22 '14 inches (90%)
Weight 8 lbs 10.5 oz ( 55%)
Head 37 1/2 in/cm (53%)

Leap-leaps are the stages of growth you go through. Heres the leap you've experienced so far- "Everything indicates that during this leap your baby is experiencing a rapid maturation of metabolism, internal organs and senses. He is clearly more interested in the world around him and is now better able to look at things beyond the range of 20-to-30 centimeters. As a parent you notice that your baby is suddenly responding more to you and to others. Interesting note: your baby produces the first time or much more frequently than before, tears while crying."( I saw a tear! )

Nursing- you are nursing a lot! You are nursing every hour or two. That is good because you have a lot growing to do little one! It's not only the best food for you but also medicine to keep you healthy! I dont love nursing. I dont hate it either. i do love the time together and after it.  I am so thankful that we can. It didn't come easy. We definitely had to learn together. I couldn't have done it without help from our lactation specialist and a helpful book called, the womanly art of breast feeding from la leche league. It took about a month to really get down. For the first few times, It helped to time the feedings to know when to switch to the other side. It was usually around 15-20 minutes on one side before switching. This was good for me to help me know when I drained one side to prevent the plugged ducts I was getting. Thankfully they are gone! When ur done nursing, you'll make this cute powty face and put ur arm under your chin. You have this face that says, "I'm done mom!" I love it. 

This is how i learned to nurse and get a good latch.  I hope to teach you someday. It's so important to have your mouth wide open and have most of my areola to avoid inflection, etc. anyways, To start- take your hand in a c shape. And use it to squish your boob down flatter. Hold it like you hold a sandwich. My lactation consultant referred to it as the boob sandwich lol! Holding your boob sandwich, move it so that your nipple touches her nose. And tickle her nose with the nipple until she responds by opening her mouth in an upward position chin up. ( this will signal to her that it's time to open her mouth in the future once she gets it). At first she'll not open her mouth very wide. So keep tickling her until you see a big opening. Then put your boob as far as it'll go covering the areola so that most of the pink isn't showing. If it really hurts past 30 seconds, it's important to unlatch and try again. Long sharp pain is a sign of a bad latch. To unlatch, take your finger into her mouth to open and move your boob out. Then try again the steps above again until a wide opening. She'll get frustrated enough to open wide eventually. I had a great video demonstrating this and lost it! If I find it I'll send it to you! I wish I could see you in person! It's hard to describe. 

Challenges- there are a few challenges of being a mom especially a first time one. I think the biggest is learning how to nurse and take care of you. The lack of sleep is tough. I'm not much of a napper. I am definitely taking some now to stay insane. I try to sleep most of the time when you sleep. You aren't too bad at night. We only get up every three hours on a good night. I'm told that's pretty good for an infant! Nursing laying down at night has made me feel more rested. Sometimes well fall sleep together which I love. I'm trying not to take this time and this infant stage for granted. Even if ur crying and changing diapers get old, I love you and how little you are. I realize that I will never have this time with you again as an infant and to enjoy every minute.

Postpartum- i thought I'd write about postpartum. I wasn't planning on it. But I thought that it might help you when you get there. It took me by surprise how hard it is because you don't feel well. It's like recovering form a marathon and surgery at the same time. I think it feels that way because i had a tear. Lots of rest, protein, water and spitz baths have really helped me feel better. Thankfully, I've had a lot of help from your dad, the grandmas and church family. We're so blessed to have a strong support system. I don't think I could've done it without them. Finally after a month, I feel healed and feel like myself again. When I see you smile it's all worth it! 

What I've learned as a mom- just to go with it. be flexible. If youre sleeping let you sleep even if its with a poppy diaper. if youre hungry, let you eat even if its every hour. Ive learned to follow your lead. I cant control you. I can't make you eat or sleep when I feel you need too. I be learned to accept that I can't always soothe you when you cry sometimes. Ultimately, God is in control and he knows exactly what you need. He holds you in the palm of his hand. I've learned to trust him and let go. Learning these things is freeing because I enjoy you more!

Its been so fun watching you grow! You already are making a kinds of different noises that surprise us each day. you make cute new expressions always makes us laugh. i wish i could capture them all on camera! you are constantly looking around you and looking it things curiously. I can tell you will be smart because you are so alert and are a careful listener. With each day you smile more and more which I love. i look forward to each new day with you sweet baby girl!

Love you more than you know, 


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