Tuesday, February 26, 2013

34 weeks!

Hi Baby A!

I am now 34 weeks! Wow, its going by fast! Only 6 more weeks until I see your sweet face and hold you in my arms! This is a busy week for us! We're finishing birthing classes and taking maternity pictures! We are having company come- my best friend, Jess and my cousin, Miranda from your grandpas side. I am excited to see them for the shower! It is this Saturday. Here is the invite! Jess designed it for us as a special gift to you!

 People have been very thoughtful in giving you gifts to welcome you into this world! Your great Aunt, Mary Ellen gave you a swing last night! It was a great surprise! Your grandpa gave us a pack and play! Many other people have given us cute dresses. It's so fun being a girl! So far, your favorite toy has been my ribs! ;-)

You are growing quickly. You are almost 5 lbs! It seems like my belly is getting bigger everyday.;-) Our midwife appointment went well and you're developing right on track. Hearing your strong heartbeat is such a relief! The midwife says that she thinks you are head down already! This is great news! This means we can have a peaceful uncomplicated birth at home for you! I have finished our birth preferences.  It makes me glad we are planning your birth at home. This has made me feel more prepared. With this done, I know that wherever you are born that you will be taken care of! We will now be having appointments every week!

My cravings have been smoothies this week! This is great because I can sneak in dark leafy greens without even tasting them! I have a feeling that you might need the extra calcium in the yogurt and soy milk.

Your dad finished painting the nursery! It is a soft baby yellow. He did a great job! The soft yellow goes well with your crib sheets! I have been making wall art to decorate your nursery! I am painting canvases with flowers to match the sheets. I hope you get your artistic side from your dad!

For exercise, me, you, and Cash have been walking/jogging everyday. I try to do yoga excerises most mornings. It will prepare us for your birth. We also do prenatal yoga every Wednesdays. It really helps with my back and stress from work. Although, it hasn't been that bad latelyIt's great to have the support of other pregnant women who believe in home birth. I'd like to be more active. But something is better than nothing I supose.

I get more and more excited with every week we get closer to meeting you! I can't tell you how happy we are to have you, sweet baby girl. I catch myself trying to imagine your sweet face and holding you in my arms. I keep wondering what our life will be like when you are here with us! Even though I have no idea what it will be like, I just know our lives will be changed forever in the best way possible. I pray that you keep growing big and strong in there, so you can be strong and healthy when you are with us out here. 

We love you lots and lots little girl, 


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