Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Alex's Baby Shower!

Hi Sweet Girl!

We are at 35 weeks now! It's gone by so fast! I feel you moving more and more. I am loving every minute of it. I can feel your little feet and butt more distinctly within me. It's very exciting. I felt you move under my rib and then you kicked my hand! I catch myself feeling my belly and wondering all the time what you'll look like. I picture you like your dad, for some reason. He says that he hopes you look like me. Whoever you look like, I know that you will be so cute! Just like your dad is! ;-) 

This has been another busy week for us! We had so much fun this week! This week was your baby shower! It was wonderful to feel the love and support that we have! There were a lot of people- family, friends and church family who came to welcome you to the world! It was so touching how generous they were and the special homemade gifts that they made just for you! Here is one from a friend hand made just for you-

The party was so beautiful! It was beautifully decorated with pink and brown! There was even neat diaper cake and a cute baby carriage! Your grandma and Auntie Al did a great job! Our cousin Miranda and my best friend Jess helped out a lot too. It was great to see them help out for just you! There are so many people who love you already!

The food was great too. There were tons of yummy sweet things that your grandmas and Auntie Al made- cookies, cupcakes, and candy. They all look so pretty with pink frosting and designs on them. I could tell everyone really enjoyed the treats.

We had fun with the games. My friend Jocelyn did the games and did a great job. They were fun and light. We played one of my favorite games- the dirty diaper game. It's where you guess the kind of the candy bar melted in the diaper. The melted candy bars look very real! Its hard to guess which candy bar it was! Some people thought it was real! But I just laughed.

I enjoyed talking to everyone there and catching up with them. I had some new friends come too. It was great to share this with them. And enjoy our pregnancies together.

 Before I knew it, it was over! It went by too fast!It was so humbling how everyone was so thoughtful, helpful, and generous to you! They all can't to meet you! I am so thankful that you have a strong family, friend, and Church family behind you already!

It was so nice having the extra girl time!! We had alot of fun staying up and talking late.We even finished a craft for you! It's very cute and we had a lot of fun putting it together just for you. It will go with our nursey colors so well! Your dad was glad to have some extra free time too. He'd come home and sit with us cracking jokes. :-)

Love you more than you know,


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